Hello! My name is Sam, the girl behind Lauretta and Fran’s

From the moment my eyes open in the morning to the moment I fall asleep at night I am thinking about what I can bake next.

I fell into baking 7 years ago completely by accident when a hiring manager skipped over the key words “Counter Clerk” and mistook me for a bakery at a James Beard nominated bakery. When I arrived for my first day I had only ever baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies a handful of times. Through curiosity, great mentorship, dog-earring 100s of cookbooks, and lots of practice I am here today!

Lauretta and Fran’s is named after my two amazing grandmothers: Lauretta Dunnigan and Frances DeBlois. Lauretta was a fierce and loving woman that taught me to always voice my opinions, root for the Red Sox, and drink Cape Codders. Fran is a warm and chatty lady who can kick my ass at Scrabble, brew a perfect cup of coffee, and fill a room with enchanting stories of her travels with her rambunctious family.

Rapid Fire

  • I grew up on a tiny island off the coast of southern Maine. I’ve lived all over New England and relocated to Salt Lake City Utah a little over a year ago.

  • I started working at Standard Baking Company in Portland, Maine as a counter girl at age 16. That was my introduction to the world of food. From there I got a job as a baker on Star Island, New Hampshire where I was thrown into the deep end. I learned from lots of trial and error, reading every cookbook I could get my hands on, and being friends with lots of talented bakers, like my friend Johanna

  • The Great Outdoors! I grew up spending all of my time on the ocean or exploring Maine’s rocky shores. That being said, moving to Utah igniting a deeper move for the nature world. The mountains, great plains, big skies, and clear starry nights in the West give me all the inspiration a girl could want.

  • Birthday cakes for people I love. It’s such a gift to bake someone a cake/pastry/treat for their birthday. I am a massive birthday person and think that everyone should love their birthday and spend the day eating cake.