Mediterranean Breakfast Burrito


I used egg whites for this recipe but it was by no means a health choice, I just had extra egg whites leftover from a recipe where I needed egg yolks. So eat eggs any way you would like, yolk or no yolk. This burrito is easy to whip up and can be made in bulk to meal prep for the week. I’ve been eating my breakfast burritos with hot sauce made by one of our good friends Michael Blaser. He makes homemade hot sauce with Scotch Bonnets and Ghost Peppers and it is SPICY. The flavor is delicious so I’m totally hooked but I take the babiest little itty-bitty dips into the hot sauce and it still leaves me sniffling by the end of my burrito. 

An important note for this recipe is to make sure you squeeze out the extra juice from the olives and artichokes before adding to the eggs so you don’t have extra liquid in your burrito filling. 



Kalamata Olives


Marinated Artichokes

Olive Oil 

Flour Tortilla

Preheat a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of neutral oil. Add 2-3 eggs/egg whites, ¼ cup cherry tomatoes halved, ¼ cup Kalamata olives chopped into pieces, ¼ cup artichokes chopped into pieces, and ¼ cup finely chopped parsley.

Cook filling until eggs are scrambled and filling is dry, about 2-3 minutes.  

Add filling to the middle of the flour tortilla and wrap. 

Clean out your skillet and heat over medium. Add burrito seam side down to pan and allow to crisp and slightly brown before turning over. Once toasted on the other side, remove from the pan.
Cut in half and enjoy with any salsa or hot sauce of your choice. 


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